Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Problem With Books

I have a book problem. Here's a sample of books that I own that I still haven't read. These aren't even close to the top of my Books I Own & Still Need To Read list. Some of my more urgent reads? 1. New York Trilogy, Paul Auster 2. Young Hearts Crying, Dick Yates 3. Victory, Conrad 4. Moons of Jupiter, Alice Munro 5. Herzog, Saul Bellow. Plus I've got a half dozen books that I'm about half way through (Gotham, The World Is Flat, A Crown of Feathers, Dutch Shea Jr, and others). And still I visit the public library at least once a week. Is it possible that I spend just as much time looking for books to read as actually reading books? I'm currently reading Black Swan Green by Dave Mitchell. There isn't enough time to read everything I'd like to. I get the NYer every week and the Paris Review once every three months, and how about the hour I spent this morning reading the NY Times? My problem with books is just that I love them too much.

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