Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Rat with Wings Finds a Nest

This is bizarre. I've never seen a nesting pigeon before. This pigeon tried to keep it cool. But you can tell from the expression in its eyes that it knows it's trying to get away with something. It probably just accidentally landed in another bird's nest. Anyway, I saw this nesting pigeon on Hennepin Avenue, and immediately ran home to get my camera. Some people in New York call Pigeons Rats with Wings (the same people who call the ground, "the floor"). I don't think that's fair. Sure they flap around in your hair every once in a while, or get in your way on the sidewalk, or maybe even poop on you (which has only happened to me once). But they don't come into your house and gnaw holes in your box of Grapenuts. They don't scurry. They don't have pink, hairless tails.

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