Saturday, July 28, 2007

What you doin' up here walking?

Here's a picture of the pedestrian bridge that crosses over 94. With our skyline in the background. I have a problem with I-94. I know it's convenient and easy, but isn't there something a little insane about a freeway in the middle of town? Who's idea was this? Probably the same guy who decided to scrap the street cars. Robert Moses, perhaps? There's a poem by John Ashberry on this bridge, which is a nice (and surprising) touch. But the poem doesn't change the fact that, considering the size and ferocity of the roadway below, the pedestrian bridge seems like an after thought. Instead of the half coherent words of John Ashberry, a message like: "Sucka! What you doin' up here walking for?" would probably be more appropriate. I have a crazy dream. I'd like to see the pedestrian become the basic unit of the Twin Cities and not the automobile.

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